this past Sunday, i took a little step outta the norm and went to Liv (nightclub?) in DC where the band Black Alley had a live performance
i'm new to this whole live music thing -- i mean, i've been to my share of concerts and whatnot but this was truly a treat..
i don't think that they had their own songs but she definitely owned EVERY song that she sang
"she sings a song and makes you wonder why SHE wasn't the one who recorded it in the first place" --Crooks
he wasn't lyin!!
had me toe-tappin, head boppin, even dancing a lil bit lol
the vocalist Kacey was running a bit late and her band was fuckin ROCKINNNNN in the meantime
(i soo fell in love with the lead guitarist, Stan)
they did this sick ass version of How Do You Want It by Tupac and Stan SLAUGHTERED it
other than the time i saw this beautiful white guitar in Smash,
i was i n s p i r e d
here's something i found browsing around youtube
i wanna ask for lessons sooo bad but i'm no groupie and he probably won't take me serious
plus i don't have a guitar
i've already decided that this should be a Sunday 'thing'
oh yeah! there was an artist there too!
and he did it all with his fingers, told me that he ran outta brushes
if you ask me, that's talent
we left right when he was painting a Tupac portrait that looked amazing before it was even finished
i love doing new things and being put onto something i might not normally do or know about
lately there's been a lot of that going on and there's even more to come
needless to say, i'm uberrrrr ecstatic
all in all, we all genuinely enjoyed ourselves
groovin, chillin, geekin, p-funkin (lol)
the crowd was tasteful, no girating and fuckery and hoodrats
wayyyyy better than the club scene and i didnt sweat my hair out ;]
get familiar with the band tho, definitely car bump worthy music
ohhhhh your post is wayyyy better than the post i was about to do on black alley llss