my my, darling, where have all of your lovely loqs gone?


ok, so anyone that knows me and knows me WELL, knows that i am thee most indecisive human being alive. i went blonde back in March and i can personally attest to the fact that "Blondes Have More Fun". i'm not sure what it is about blonde that makes people extra complimentary.. like literally, EVERYONE loved me blonde and so did i =D .. people didn't even recognize me, it was like i was a totally new person! guys thought i was new to campus, girls were doing double takes.. my friends were passing me by on accident, it was great!!
...but then everyone around me started going blonde! i swear i saw more fried edges and bleached out locks than i've ever seen in life! i was so appalled. i'm not saying i'm a fashionista or trend setter and everyone is waiting for my next fashion move BUT, like when the fuck did all these folk decide to go blonde ironically around the same time as me? hmmm.. strange.
and then roots came in. at first, i didn't mind it.. it was cute, gave my hair some dimension but then Miami happened and the sun literally bleached my hair. so if you all can imagine me, 5 shades darker, black roots and bleach blonde frizzy curls, you'll understand why i started hating the blonde. i felt trailer park trash-ish. like the old white ladies with the frizzy bleached curls and that nasty orange tan with those deeeesgusting black roots. i felt hideous. needless to say, i came home and tore that weave out so fast it wasnt even funny. so i straightened my hair and it actually didn't look so bad so i opted not to get my roots done.
...and i continued to not get my roots done. i tried adding weave but it looked dumb cause it didn't have roots to the extent of mine and, look, it just looked bad.

i wrapped all of that weave up into a cute bun and was reminded of how beautiful and exotic i look with dark hair! i rocked that bun for 4 days straight lol

i got a hair appointment and got my roots done.
i won't lie. i liked it.

i tried the bun again.
it looked SO BAD !! the brown was wayyyy too dark and idk why she put it over my ears !! (it was like when italian men start going gray and the sides are still dark but the top is salt and peppered.. works for them, me, not so much.) and the blonde was like wayyyyyyyyyyyy bright and my eyebrows were too black. ugh !! i was back to that fuckin trashy ass white trailer park look that i thought i had escaped by getting my roots done !!
luckily, i had an appointment 3 weeks down the road andddd i had been contemplating different darker looks for me. i figured since everyone loved me blonde so damn much, maybe i'd just add some lowlights. so i told Deana (my stylist) that i just wanted to tone my blonde down a little bit.. to like an auburn-esque red; you know, for the fall.

after much thought, i realized that i was only keeping the blonde because i'd received much praise for doing so. i believed that my hair was making me beautiful and not the other way around. the hair was making the girl, the girl was not making the hair. i had been talking about going back to brown for quite some time which means, to me, that i actually wanted to do that. i wasn't, so much, loving the blonde anymore and in order to make Lesley happy, i went red. i've ALWAYS wanted to be a redhead and i finally got up enough guts to do it :]
i've never liked my natural ashy dirty blonde hair color, and black washed me out.
blonde made me look a little trashy at times and showed ALL of my split ends
sooooo. red is like the PERFECT middle man ;]
i believe that everyone has a color that best accents their skin tone, and it's not always their natural color. blonde works for some people and it was cute on me for the time being, but i really feel sexy as a redhead.. and my hair is shinier than ever !!
on the road to self-validity and self-actualization, red hair was stop numero uno =D
not as many compliments on my hair this time around BUT I LOVE IT !!
and that's all that matters
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