not that i do a bunch of internet surfing and i certainly don't know any fashion blogs to look at but i accidentally came across this while i was bored, clicking around Highsnobette.
I found these hysterical images over at FashionIndie, who pulled them from Le Petite Echo Malada, a newspaper that mock’s fashion bloggers.
via Highsnobette
i previously did a post about how i didn't like fashion hype and i hate how people act like ugly things and forceful fashion ads are just sooooooo amazing.
i'm not 100% sure who the fashion bloggers are that they were poking fun at or if it was ads or whatever.. =/ idk but it's funny so fuck it.
now, i'm no model but modeling doesn't exactly look like it's rocket science. every high fashion magazine is filled with frail, very pale, very hungry and lost looking females and males all with the same dazed face like they don't care that they're wearing a $5476.94 outfit.
it just bugs me =/
however, whoever these guys are that did these photo shoots hit the nail on the nose
they really pointed out how dumb these ads are and did a great job at it
lol enjoy :]

actual post in case you wanted to read up a little bit more about it
whoever came up with this idea is like the evil genius of fashion photography... #superevillaugh muuuuahahahahahahahahhaha