while perusing around Urban Outfitters today avec Boooogie we were greeted with a skipping Jay-Z song. while they fixed the "technical difficulties" they popped in some cd and we went about our business.. until i was listening in and i thought i heard a Jimi sample and upon closer listen we heard some SICK ASS fuckin beats. debating whether or not we should ask who the artist of the music was, i decided to muster up some nuts and ask a sales associate, and i did and was uber hype that he actually knew who the artist was! =D
thus i give to you,
SLEIGH BELLS !!!!!!!!!!!
they're composed of Derek E. Miller (guitarist, writer, and beat-maker) and former school teacher, Alexis Krauss (vocalist)
their music is like nothing i've ever heard before but like everything i've ever wanted to hear.
trippy, eh?
needless to say, i swiftly ran home to find this eargasmic gold online and IMMEEE-JJUIT-LEEE downloaded their debut album "Treats" off iTunes and i've been zoning ever since. (poor roomies #evl >:) hehehe)
anywho, take a listen, get hip, get hooked.
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