Spazztic, PlastiQ, lookin for my Chapstick.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Free People

while checking out one of my latest blog obsessions Honestly...WTF and they had a fashion post with a peacock in the picture!! [u all already know i was drawn in] upon further reading and looking at the pictures i saw that it was one of my favorite clothing companies, Free People!!
i recently bought a book entitled I <3 Your Style in which it describes different aspects of different styles throughout the decades and in a nutshell, i'm bohemian! ^_^ [big DUH! huh?]
anywho, enough babbling..

a little bit more from my inspirations

rompers, lace, floral, maxis; OH MY !!

ponchos !!

flowy pastels and bold prints !!

feathers!! DUH !!

high waists and cropped tops !!

[photos via tumblr and]


hey there!

i know i have been like a negligent parent to their foster child when it comes to this blog but i've had a little bit of soul searching to do (oh yeah, and homework =/ )
i don't really have much to say about anything, i'm going to try and periodically update via pictures more often as opposed to words because i can get extremely long winded. to start out, here's some flicks of me as of late...

i got a camera and i'm a redhead.